/* * JavaScript functions for the Java applets - DO NOT TRANSLATE * */ /* * Adds the HTML for the login applet. */ function CreateLoginApplet(username, jreDownloadComment) { document.write('\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ' + jreDownloadComment + '\ '); } /* * Adds the HTML for the alarm viewer applet. */ function CreateAlarmApplet(username, sid) { document.write(''); } /* * Adds the HTML for the schematics applet. */ function CreateSchematicsApplet(appletWidth, appletHeight) { if ((appletHeight == -1) || (appletWidth == -1)) { document.write(''); } else { document.write(''); } } /* * Adds the HTML for the graph applet. */ function CreateGraphApplet() { document.write(''); } /* * Adds the HTML for the device view applet. */ function CreateDeviceViewApplet() { document.write(''); } /* * Adds the HTML for the password changer applet */ function CreatePasswordChangerApplet(username, minlength, securemode) { document.write('\ \r\n\ \r\n\ \r\n\ \r\n\ \r\n\ \r\n\ '); } /* * Adds a single element to an applet */ function AddAppletParameter(key, value) { document.write(''); } /* * Adds the closing tag */ function CreateAppletCloseTag() { document.write(''); }